Monday, May 9, 2016


Notice anything different around here? Though I'm sure some of you were super attached to the old gray color on this blog, I wasn't a huge fan- so, I changed the template and colors. I write on this blog almost weekly, so I see it frequently enough to want a design I'm actually happy with. I think this new one is an improvement.

Today, as I suspected, Dr. Nguyen did not have any cases. Despite this, it was still a great morning; after getting coffee and a banana, I met with Dr. Nguyen at valve conference in the HVI. It has been at least three weeks since I have attended a conference, and today's visit represented a healthy return to the lively, doctor-filled room. I got there early enough to get an agenda hand-out from one of the doctors mediating the conference, which covered the patient names and the doctors responsible for their cases. It became way easier to soak up and understand what they were referencing in conversation, as the patients' conditions were on the pages. After finishing patient rounds, Dr. Nguyen, his assistant Loren and I went down to imaging to see one of his patient's 3D TTEs (3D transthoracic echocardiographs). These are very different from echocardiograms, which are what most people imagine when they think of heart scans. 3D TTE is one of the most recent techniques for heart imaging, and its modernity definitely shows- it's easier to get an idea of what things are with 3D TTEs, as their colors do a great job of giving depth to the animations. 

Here's a gif of 3D TTE in action:

I'll post some more stuff regarding The Heartwell Project as soon as I get an update from our animator.

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